Stretching My Marriage Vows Page 3
I nodded. "I think I will."
"Don't button everything up."
I coughed. "I've been leaving some unbuttoned."
"Yeah, all of yesterday. Do you know Carson glanced at your blouse?"
"What? He did not."
"You weren't looking. He glanced at your second button and had a pleased look on his face. It was when Rachel was complimenting you."
Carson looked? The satisfaction in me returned from the previous day. It is nice to be appreciated. Like appreciating the beauty of Ellie's smile or Rachel's long hair.
I gave Jim a kiss and watched his sexy form walk down the hall. My husband had been right? But Carson had been the perfect gentleman all day.
I chose out my black boots.
Fully dressed, I looked in the mirror and frowned. Why do I still look like a realtor trying to be relaxed? The second button was undone. I reached up and unbuttoned the third and straightened my shirt. I twisted back and forth and blushed. Cleavage was showing. Not real deep or bad, but obvious.
I buttoned it quickly back up and took a deep breath, trying to control my panicked heart.
I lifted my chin and looked back in the mirror. My frown returned. It just didn't look right. I blew out a huge breath and unbuttoned the third button again. Everyone's going to notice. I blushed. I can always button it later if I get weird looks.
~ ~ ~
No one gave me weird looks. I got a few smiles and nods, but no eyes went to my blouse.
However, I was shocked into open-mouthed silence when Carson leaned into my office and said, "Would you like to take lunch with me? I know a neat little taco joint."
I was gaping like a stupid fish. I snapped my mouth shut and tried to act all realtor-like. I shifted my notes to the side. "Oh, um, sure."
"Anything important there you need to do?"
I waved at the papers. "Oh, no. I was going over Sue's handwritten records and transferring anything valuable to the computer. I'm at a lull in planning anyway."
"Everything good for this Sunday?" He meant the event at his home.
"All ready to go. Just need a couple boys and a truck to swap out those conference tables this week. Your new ones are scheduled for Thursday delivery."
He nodded. "Then, let's go."
I smiled shyly. "Oh. Of course." I grabbed my purse.
We walked out to his Mercedes.
He said, "I spoke to the elders…"
We got in.
I began to tremble. Uh oh. Why? "Oh?" I tried to sound nonchalant and curious.
"I recommended you be taken off of probation. Your work has been exemplary."
I blinked. "Oh? Really?"
He drove without looking at me. "There's no point in pretending to test you beyond what we've seen. We're all very happy with your work."
My heart raced. "Oh. Um, thank you."
He glanced over and made eye contact. He gave a nod. "Next week you come off probation with a ten percent raise. Keep up the excellent work and you'll receive more."
I felt so fortunate then to be working under such a fair and generous man. It made me feel as if I had really earned something.
~ ~ ~
I had been to the taco joint once, but had ordered a taco salad. Carson ordered us soft tacos and paid. His hand touched the small of my back to guide me as we turned to take our order to the tables. Perfect gentleman.
We sat.
He gave me a smile and an eye-twinkle. "These are excellent with just a touch of extra salsa." He dipped a spoon and topped his tacos with some extra.
I trusted the man. I did the same.
His eyes were on mine as he chewed his first bite.
I bit into the unexpected. A spicy flavor topping the hot shredded beef made my eyebrows climb. I chewed, eyes wide.
He smiled. "Good?"
"Very. Wow, these are great. Last time I was here I ordered the taco salad."
He made a face. "Yeah, boring. A whole bunch of lettuce with some salsa poured over it. Hardly any meat or beans."
I giggled. "Yep, that's what I got."
After finishing, he was relaxed, arm back over the chair. "I like your outfit, today." His eyes were on mine.
"Oh, thank you. I wanted to wear something that didn't remind me of having been a realtor."
He showed teeth in an understanding smile. "I used to manage a sports bar. Shorts and polo shirts. Ugh, I can't stand the sight of them now."
I laughed, knowing exactly what he meant. I resolved to go shopping for new clothes immediately after work.
~ ~ ~
I came into the house with four large bags feeling as if I had accomplished a whole new me.
Jim scowled in mock anger at me. "Had to make my own dinner."
I smiled large. "Sorry. Had to get some new clothes. I texted you…"
His eyes bugged out and he grabbed his chest. He panted as if just having run a ten mile race. "What's this?" He was glancing at my blouse. "Three buttons? Did it pop off or something? Quick call 911."
I blushed. "Stop it."
"Call the Army. The Navy. The Marines. Get the Air Force flying overhead. This is a national emergency."
"Would you quit?"
"I'm amazed."
I laughed.
"And did the world crumble and fall apart?"
I looked down. "No."
He smiled. "Uh huh. So… You went and got some new clothes?"
I heaved a satisfied sigh. "I did it. There was something I didn't tell you, though." I gave him a secretive smile.
He got up from the easy chair. "Oh?" He followed me into the bedroom where I dumped out the bags and began the laborious task of removing tags. "I'm being taken off of probation and getting a raise."
"Already? Two weeks on the job? That's fantastic."
"Carson took me to lunch today and told me."
He chuckled. "Oh he did, huh?"
"He was very nice."
"Did he look down your blouse?"
I covered my third button with a hand. "No, of course not."
"He's gay."
I snorted. "He's married; you met his wife. And his assistant is a cute girl."
He gave me a sideways look.
"He did compliment me, though, on my outfit."
"See? He had to have looked to notice."
"He was very nice. It made me feel good."
Jim's voice went soft. "It's nice to be appreciated, isn't it?"
I smiled, that silent connection between us understanding each other's feelings perfectly. "Yes."
I was surprised when Carson invited me to lunch the following day.
For once, Ellie gave me a curious look before smiling. I didn't know what to make of that.
Carson also invited me every day after that, too.
I might have worried about what Rachel thought until Thursday when I arrived to handle the transfer of tables to our rented truck. She came out and stood with me as I watched the church boys load up.
Rachel said, "Delivery today, right?"
"Yes." I had wondered if she knew about the lunches or not, but her smile put me at ease.
"Carson tells me you've been a fun lunch-friend."
I almost choked. "Oh… Um, he's been very nice."
She smiled and touched my arm. "Good."
I felt relieved. The lunches had all been very innocent.
Rachel said, "I like your selection of clothing. I think it compliments you well."
I laughed with relief. "Oh, well, thank you." I was buttoned down three buttons.
"If you want to wait in the house after they load up, we can have some iced-tea."
"Oh…" I had planned to go back to the church and wait, but it made more sense to wait here. "Um, sure. That would be nice."
She winked. "Knock when you're done here."
~ ~ ~
I put the dishes in the dishwasher. "He's been very nice."
Jim was grinning. "He's still gay."
p; "Is not. He compliments me on my clothing."
"Stop it."
"He's never once looked at your cleavage?"
While on the one hand I felt good that he hadn't, on the other I felt just a little disappointed. "No, but he's been very nice."
"Looking at your cleavage would make him not a nice man?"
I laughed. "Um, no." What if he did? I liked the compliments; they made me feel good. "But if he did, I'd probably have to stop going to lunch with him."
"Huh?" Jim was being dense.
"I'm not going to go to lunch with him if all he's interested in doing is looking at my cleavage." But a part of me wanted him to look – to admire. To notice.
"What's wrong with looking at your cleavage?"
"He's like a friend to me. Friends don't do that."
"My friends have checked out your chest."
I slapped my hand over my blouse. "They what?"
"They all think you're beautiful."
"What? Why didn't you stop them?"
He got an annoyed look on his face. "They better think you are, or I'd get new friends."
I don't understand him.
He said, "I'm glad Carson compliments you; I'd hate to have to punch him out for being rude."
I laughed incredulously at the image.
~ ~ ~
Sunday was almost stressful. I selected a white pants outfit. The blouse that went with it had a different button placement. Three buttons down showed more cleavage, but two buttons down looked frumpy.
I wore a small cross necklace to hopefully draw attention up from the swell of my boobs more to my neck.
Jim winked at me.
I ignored him and straightened my blouse in the mirror.
He said, "It looks perfect. Don't fuss with it."
Sometimes, he's right. This was one of those times. "All right."
We were early; we had to be. I had work to do. But this was a far easier day: a simple catering arrangement; a few boys to move things around; and the hiring of a bartender. I spoke to Evan from Main Street Catering. "Thank you for showing up on time, this time."
His eyes were on my blouse. "Sorry about that picnic. Won't happen again. Sue was a little more flexible about timing." He was a portly man and short. He never raised his eyes to mine.
I looked at him oddly. "I'm not?"
He shook his head and cleared his throat. "Er, that came out wrong. I meant that she scheduled us earlier than she needed us. So at first we sort of stood around. We came to expect it and worked in showing up when we figured she really needed us there."
I almost resolved to button up right there. I bent my knees a little and ducked my head, trying to catch his eyes.
He looked at me quickly and looked away. He pushed up his glasses and cleared his throat. "We'll show up when you ask for us. Don't worry."
With a wicked thought, I stepped closer to him. His eyes snapped back to my blouse. I said softly, "Good. I'd hate to think I'll have to use Tom's Catering instead."
His eyes went wide with fear. "Oh, no. Don't worry. Right on time, every time. No need to switch." He glanced down nervously at my blouse and licked his lips.
I knew he was thinking he'd lose out on the chance to stare at my breasts. But in this case, I didn't care – as long as he performed as he was directed.
I left him to pressure his employees. I didn't miss working for a caterer.
Carson was holding his first drink and walked over to me. "Do you need a towel?"
He shot a glare at the caterer. "I think he drooled on your blouse."
I clapped a hand to my mouth and said, "Oh, uh… He sort of did—"
"Is he a problem? I won't have someone like that around if he's going to bother you."
I touched his arm. "No, that's okay. He'll actually do what he's told. I'd hate to have to break in another caterer."
Rachel joined us and took her husband's arm. "Always a pleasure to see you, Liv."
I looked down. "Thank you."
"You look wonderful, today."
"Thank you. I hope I'm not out of place."
Carson said, "Nonsense."
I said, "White is sort of bold."
Rachel smiled. "It's a fine Sunday color. I like it."
Carson said, "Yes, very pretty."
Ellie came to us, curls bouncing. "I sent the boys home for now. They'll be back at four."
I said, "Thank you, Ellie."
Carson leaned towards me. He motioned towards the bar with his head. "Have a drink and relax. It's an open bar."
~ ~ ~
I was on my third screwdriver.
Everything was perfect. I watched over the cleanup of the catering crew at two. The cold cuts were left for snacking and there would be no reason to keep Evan and his crew here.
Rachel came to me as I turned from watching them go. She held up her drink and winked.
Ellie was close by, but held back a few paces. She watched us with curiosity.
Rachel took my arm and walked with me. "I've been wanting to ask you something."
Uh oh, is this the blow-up about my lunches with Carson? They're innocent. "Oh?" Uncertainty was in my voice.
She moved her head as if wanting to whisper but just kept her voice low. She glanced at me and then down as we walked. "Do you and your husband ever…play?"
I felt relieved. "Play? Oh, like golf or cards or something?"
She looked into my eyes with a twinkle in her own. She studied my face for just a second. She laughed a small laugh. "Um, never mind." She gave my arm a squeeze and let go.
Ellie's head was tilted as if trying to figure something out. Then she shrugged.
What's she shrugging at? What was all that about with Rachel?
~ ~ ~
Jim said to me at home, "See, you went the whole day showing some cleavage and your tits didn't attack anyone."
"I thought the caterer was going to fall face-first into my boobs."
"I saw. He almost did. If his tongue had been any longer, he could have licked your blouse."
I shuddered. "Gross."
He laughed. "Carson had a few good peeks."
"He did not."
"He did so."
"I didn't see anything."
He chuckled. "He looked when you weren't."
Is he telling the truth? "And you saw this?"
"Yep. We even shared smiles over it."
I dropped my mouth open. "You did not."
He gave me an eyebrow and head shake.
I frowned. "Why would he look at my cleavage?"
He imitated doing sign language and spoke slowly. "Because you're pretty."
"Stop it. I can't believe this."
He threw up his hands. "You're beautiful, someone notices. It's the end of the entire fucking world."
"Don't be crude." I didn't like it when he cussed.
He grunted in dismissal. "So what if Carson notices?"
"He's married."
He rolled his eyes. "Yeah, I forgot. When we get married, us men go blind."
I sniffed at him.
Jim muttered, "At least I know now he ain't gay."
"Jim Green, stop that right now."
He bowed, waving his arms as if in supplication to a queen. "Yes, o' mighty goddess. Your wish is my command."
I rolled my eyes. Sometimes men just didn't get it.
~ ~ ~
I dreamt that night something that woke me up wondering. I had been at the Wills' with my husband. Carson had been sitting on a bench across from me. He had been looking at my cleavage.
When he looked up at me, he had smiled and winked.
I woke feeling warm and trying to recall the details of the dream. My mind wandered to the event. Had my husband been telling the truth? Had Carson looked? The idea that he had smiled at what he saw made me feel good. Does he really think I'm beautiful?
I dressed later that morning and selected a blue blouse and matching slacks. I
fiddled a while at the second and third buttons, trying to decide which looked better. I left the third one undone, although I would have to be careful of moving too vigorously and showing my bra. A solid line of my cleavage was showing – maybe a good third of the top of my boobs.
I put on my cross necklace and on impulse, grabbed my bottle of perfume. I trailed a wet line down my neck and cleavage.
In the mirror, I applied a light coating of red lipstick. Very light.
Jim eyed me as I went past. There was a small smile on his face.
What are you smiling at? I wondered briefly if he could smell the perfume; as a realtor I wouldn't wear any. But what was it for if it just sat on my dresser?
~ ~ ~
Carson came into my office and beamed a pleasant smile at me. "Lunch?"
I frowned. "Could you give me about fifteen minutes? I've been trying to get in contact with Reverend Stevens at Morning Glory about coordinating his choir. They said he was due back any minute."
He winked. "Of course. Come get me when you're ready. No rush."
I sighed with relief. I needed the time. He also had not mentioned anything out of the ordinary about my clothing or perfume.
I handled the call without fuss. Morning Glory's choir director had our choir director's number. They would be in contact.
I grabbed my purse and went to Ellie's office. I knocked.
I entered.
Ellie's face erupted in her signature happy-smile. "Hi, Liv." I saw her eyes move over me. "I like your style of clothing lately. I always look so dumb."
I laughed. "You don't look dumb."
She went to the inner door. "Liv is here."
"Good. Thanks." He came out straightening his jacket.
I caught Ellie smiling at him and then looking at me with something of a different smile. It brightened and she blushed.
What was that about?
Carson touched my arm to turn me. "How about a small steak lunch? The taco joint is good, but…"
I was just happy to be included in his lunches. "Okay. Whatever sounds good."
He took me to The Oak Room. I had been there with Jim: the place was very expensive.